Hello, I'm Yeşim
...your intercultural trainer and coach.
In an increasingly globalized world, intercultural competence is the key to success for companies, teams and individuals. Even if our similarities usually prevail, cultural differences can in some situations lead to mutual misunderstandings and personal conflicts.
My mission is to build bridges between cultures and promote understanding for the diversity of the global business world. As an experienced intercultural trainer and coach, I am at your side to strengthen your intercultural sensitivity and develop your skills in dealing with different cultures.
In this way you can fully exploit the potential of diversity in multicultural teams.

You ask yourself:
“How can I improve my current situation in an international company? What is the right path for my professional or personal development?”
Let's identify your needs together and choose the right approach.

Intercultural Coaching
Based on your professional or personal strengths and goals, with my support you can explore new perspectives and consciously shape your own intercultural development.

Intercultural Training
Do you lead teams with international experts or are you one of these experts? Then you certainly know the value of cultural diversity and intercultural competency as an economic factor.
As an intercultural trainer, I stand by your side to take these values to the next level.

"Diversity is our strength, tolerance our capital and intercultural understanding our goal."
Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations
Siemens Digital Industries Software
Visit homepage“In our organization we are often working with colleagues across the globe – in our week-long event we thought it was important to focus on how we can understand each other better even when we are all coming from different cultures. Yesim provided two insightful sessions for us on the topic of cultural intelligence and building trust in cross-border teams: both sessions were very well-received by our teams. Many colleagues expressed that this was one of their favorite sessions throughout the week, and that they would love to learn more!”
Eszter Szabo - Adaption & Change Management
HCL Technologies gbs GmbH
Visit homepage„Motivierend, kompetent, sehr gut vorbereitet und pragmatisch, so durften wir Frau Akçay im Rahmen unserer agilen Transformation erleben. Ihr fundiertes Wissen untermauert sie mit praktischer Berufserfahrung, das ist besonders wertvoll und überzeugend.“
Burkhard Kintscher - Geschäftsführer
Technische Universität Darmstadt / Fachbereich Unternehmensfinanzierung
Workshop CQ-Kulturelle Intelligenz"Frau Akçay begeisterte in dem sehr interaktiv angelegten Format mit zahllosen lebensnahen Beispielen, um lebhaft zu vermitteln, wie bedeutsam bereits im Bewerbungsprozess und in der Berufseinstiegsphase eine sensible interkulturelle Kommunikation ist."
Klinikum Nürnberg
Visit Homepage"Frau Akçay hat mit großem Engagement und Professionalität eine Schulung für das Klinikum Nürnberg entwickelt. Sie überzeugt durch ihre empathische Herangehensweise, die sorgfältige Vorbereitung auf die Zielgruppe und die interaktive Gestaltung. Wir danken für die exzellente Zusammenarbeit und empfehlen Frau Akçay uneingeschränkt weiter."